Pulev will look for a knockout at his meeting in Hamburg.
Kubrat Pulev (21 wins, 11 with a knockout) is 112.5kg on a scale today in Hamburg. His rival from the United States (26 wins, 11 with a knockout) weighs 103.7 kg. The match between them is tomorrow (December 5th) in the newest hall of the second largest city in Germany – INSELPARKHALLE.

For the first time in the corner of the Bulgarian will take the place coach Uli Vegner, with whom The Cobra has been preparing since February. The specialist who missed the battle with George Aries (Brazil) on October 17 due to surgery was restored and determined to bring our boxer to a new success. In Hamburg, by tradition will be his brother, Tervel Pulev.

In Bulgaria, the match can be watched on the air of Diema Sport, and it is expected that the live show will begin after 22.30. In Germany, the Sauerland gala broadcast directly SAT1 and ran.de.